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Post-Operative Care Instructions Following Adenoidectomy

The following instructions will help you know what to expect in the days following surgery. Do not, however, hesitate to call if you have any questions or concerns.

Physical Activities

After this surgery, children should rest but may play inside after one or two days and may be outside after 3 or 4 days, if they feel up to it. Strenuous physical activity following surgery is discouraged. Children may return to school whenever comfortable; 3 to 4 days is average, but 7 days is not unusual.


The more your child drinks, the sooner the pain will subside. Water, apple juice, grape juice, and Gatorade are excellent sources of liquid. Soft foods such as ice cream, sherbet, yogurt, pudding, apple sauce and jello, should also be encouraged. Other soft, easily chewed foods are also excellent. Avoid hot or spicy foods, or foods that are hard and crunchy.


For the first several days (occasionally up to 7 days) following surgery, pain in the throat is to be expected. This can usually be controlled with Liquid Tylenol (acetaminophen). Avoid medication containing aspirin, ibuprofen, or other anti-inflammatory medication, for 2 weeks. Pain is often worse at night and may prompt the need for additional pain medication. Occasionally a stiff neck may occur. Please call if it becomes excessively painful.

Ice Collar

An ice collar can also be helpful for post operative sore throat. Make this by placing ice cubes and water in a large Zip-Loc bag and wrapping it in a towel. Gently lay the ice pack on the front of the neck.


A low-grade fever (less than 101 degrees) following surgery may occur and should be treated with Tylenol (acetaminophen). Follow the directions on the bottle. While children have a fever, they should play quietly or remain in bed. If the fever persists (more than two days) or if a higher fever develops, call. Fever may indicate that you have not taken in sufficient fluids or may have an infection.


Post-operative bleeding is unusual. Most bleeding is minor and you may only see a little coating of blood on the tongue. Put your child into bed, sitting upright, and place an ice collar on their neck. Watch for spitting, coughing, or vomiting of blood. If you suspect bleeding following surgery, call immediately.

Follow up

Arrange to see us 3 to 4 weeks after surgery.




A Unit Of Durgapur Medical Centre Pvt. Ltd.


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The Mission Hospital
Immon Kalyan Sarani,
Sector IIC Bidhan Nagar,
Durgapur - 713212, Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal
Phone No.: 8687500500