Refer a Patient for medical professional-The mission Hospital Durgapur
Refer a Patient
Request a Guide for Referring Physicians
Mission Hospital and Clinic's Guide for Referring Physicians is a comprehensive directory of our specialty staff physicians, and was created to help you identify specialists and resources at Mission Hospital and other outreach clinics to support you and your patients. Submit the form for requesting s guide.
You will receive confirmation once your patient's appointment has been scheduled.
The Mission Hospital Durgapur and Its outreach Clinics welcome the opportunity to partner with you in caring for your patients. Our dedicated Referring Physician team is available around-the-clock and committed to serving you and your patients.
Please contact our Referring Physician team, Monday to Saturday, 10 AM to 8PM, for all your needs, by calling 0343-2535555.
Contact the Referring Physician to obtain information on our clinical specialists and services; schedule and confirm patient appointments; receive assistance in the resolution of any service-related issues; and connect with Mission specialists.
When contacting us to schedule your patients, please have the following information readily available:
Patient demographic information
Reason for visit
Any special needs that will require facilitation once the patient arrives
Patient insurance information, if available
We will work with your patient to complete registration process and to schedule an appointment at the patient's convenience. You will be notified once the appointment is scheduled.